Harissa Chicken Thighs with Tomatoes, Potatoes, and Garlic

Sometimes I like to give myself a "Top Chef"-style challenge forcing myself to get creative and come up with a delicious meal using whatever I already have in the house. On this occasion, after rummaging through the fridge and pantry, I discovered I had the following items: chicken thighs, potatoes, tomatoes, garlic, and harissa. Next question: what the heck do I do with all of this?

I've baked chicken thighs and roasted veggies more times than I can count, so doing this made sense. The adventure would be incorporating the harissa. I'll be honest, I'm still not totally sure why I have harissa, but I was excited to use it. The one problem? Since I'd never really cooked with it before, I didn't know how to gauge the heat. I didn't want to under season the chicken, but at the same time, I didn't want my mouth to be a volcano of heat. Hoping for the best, I decided to use 1 tbsp. This ended up teetering on the spicy side, so I could probably use less in future, but it was still tasty! 

This recipe is great for two people. It's really easy to make and super tasty! Very pleased with my experiment.

- 1 lb of chicken thighs
- 1 tbsp harissa
- handful of garlic cloves
- 4 potatoes, peeled and cut into bite sized pieces
- 2 cups cherry tomatoes
- salt, to taste
- ground black pepper, to taste
- herbes de provence, to taste
- garlic powder, to taste
- onion powder, to taste
- 1 tbsp olive oil

1. Preheat oven to 375F. 

2. Marinade the chicken thighs by mixing with harissa. This you can alter depending on how spicy you want to chicken. If you want less spicy, use less harissa. If you want more spice, use more harissa. Season chicken with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder. 

3. In a separate bowl, season potatoes, garlic, and tomatoes with olive oil, herbes de provence, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder. 

4. Put everything on a prepared baking tray. Bake in oven for 30 minutes on until chicken is cooked through. 

5. Once everything is cooked, remove from oven and serve.

6. Enjoy!


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