Never Visit Tokyo Station Near New Years (Unless You Absolutely Have To)

Our first day in Tokyo, my family and I visited one of my all time favorite places --- Tokyo Station (Tokyo Eki, 東京駅). I love Tokyo Eki because it is a gorgeous building and also because it is filled to the brim with interesting stores and delicious restaurants. I could easily spend a week there and still be perfectly entertained!

This past June, my mother and I spent a lot of time exploring Tokyo Eki. We were really excited to take my father here, since he hadn’t been to Tokyo Eki post-renovation. We quickly learned that this may have been a mistake.

From the moment we arrived at Tokyo Eki, to the moment we left, we were accosted from all directions by armies of people. I couldn’t believe how many people there were! No matter where you stood (or hid), you weren’t safe. The incessant pushing and shoving, the stop-and-go traffic, it was infuriating and also quite claustrophobic. At one point, I just wanted to give up and go home! I managed to retain my composure and soldier on.

We weaved our way through the multitude of crowds, managing to browse different food vendors, as well as see what cute souvenirs were available for purchase. From bento boxes to desserts to trinkets, the selection was astounding and also very very cute!

One of my priorities was to show my dad an area of Tokyo Eki called “Ramen Street.” This is a corridor that is lined with a variety of ramen shops. People will wait HOURS to eat at one of the ramen shops, which is so crazy to me! In the first season of the PBS food show, “Mind of A Chef,” Chef David Chang (of Momofuku) visited Ramen Street and dined at one of the restaurants. I made sure to visit this restaurant and was gobsmacked when I realized that the line was around the block --- easily a one-hour wait, if not more!

After exploring Tokyo Eki for several hours, it was time to lunch. It was tough decision. Fried food? Tempura? Unagi? Sushi? So many delicious choices! 
It took us a while to decide, but we eventually chose tempura and soba noodles. It was an excellent and delicious choice!
Tempura-don and soba
Warabi-mochi for dessert

Although it was stressful and I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many people in one place, I’m still glad that we visited Tokyo Eki. I asked my mother why Tokyo Eki was such a zoo and she explained that with New Years approaching, people are traveling – thus the blur of people and suitcases.

It was a lot fun going from stall to stall, seeing what each vendor had to offer. My dad seemed to really enjoy himself, which is what was most important. I can’t wait to go back --- but maybe not when it’s so insane!


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