Aromatic Spiced Monkfish

A couple days ago, my mom went to our local seafood store and bought some monkfish. I will admit, monkfish is not my favorite, by my mother loves it! In Japan, monkfish, especially the liver (ankimo), is a delicacy. Mom asked me to make her my "aromatic monkfish", which is recipe that I discovered courtesy my favorite chef, Gordon Ramsay. This recipe is super fast, easy, and delicious. Not to mention, it smells phenomenal! 

- 4 fillets of monkfish (since there are 3 of us, we had three, but this is really flexible depending on how many people you are feeding)
- 1 teaspoon paprika
- 1 teaspoon five spice
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
1. Prepare a baking tray with aluminum foil. Be sure to lubricate the foil (cooking spray, oil, etc…). Preheat oven to 375F, placing baking tray inside. 
2. Mix the paprika, salt, and five spice together. Rub fish with spices. Be generous with the amount of spices you use and really coat the fish!
3. Heat the olive oil in a pan. Make sure you get the olive oil sizzling hot before adding the fish.
4. Once your oil is very hot, sear your monkfish until each side is golden brown. 
5. Once your fish has been seared, remove baking tray from oven and transfer fish to baking tray. 
6. Allow the fish to bake in the oven for about 10 minutes or until cooked through. 
Once your fish is cooked, allow it to sit for a few minutes. 
This recipes takes about 20 minutes and it produces a gorgeous fish! We ate our monkfish with roasted butternut squash and sautéed mung bean sprouts and green pepper. Very very tasty! 


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