So, for those of you who may have been following my blog, you probably noticed that I was very silent this summer. I didn't forget about you all, I PROMISE! Rather, my summer was spent studying non-stop! The past 12 weeks have been a blur --- this has been the longest-fastest summer ever.

As a premed student, I have spent the past year taking: pre-calculus, calculus, biology, and chemistry. This summer was dominated by organic chemistry. That's right, a whole year's worth of orgo in just 12 weeks. Perhaps one of the dumbest things I have ever done. It was really really really hard, I won't lie. With regards to the topic, I loved it, but it was just too much work! Lecture three times a week for two hours, lab twice a week for 4 hours, and recitation twice a week for 1.5 hours....that's a lot! Not to mention when I wasn't in class or lab, I was studying or meeting with my tutor! For lack of a better word, summer orgo was INTENSE ---- but I am now done and survived! Hooray!!!
In orgo lab, I synthesized an ester called "methyl salicylate", which smells like wintergreen. It was a super cool lab!

With that, I just wanted to let you all know that I am back and excited to start blogging again! I have new recipes to share and lots of wonderful photographs too!!! So, please stay tuned! 

I leave you with the video below. Ever since finishing orgo, I keep hearing Aretha Franklin singing "Freedooooommmm" in my head! I have to say, even though she isn't singing about organic chemistry, I feel like this song summarizes how I feel!!!! 

"Think" by Aretha Franklin from The Blues Brothers (1980)


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