My First Brooklyn Halloween

When I was a kid, Halloween was one of the greatest holidays. It was the one-day a year that I could literally be ANYTHING I wanted and people gave out candy for free. For a kid, what could be better?

Well, as I got older, the allure of Halloween started to fade. I didn't really dress up and then of course the candy was no longer flowing freely. For whatever, my heart was no longer in Halloween. That’s until I got to college. Then, we had the Halloween party and I was with friends, but overall, Halloween never got me super excited.
I think one reason why I also am so apathetic towards Halloween is because I never had trick or treaters come to my house. My house is sort of hidden from the street and we have a really long driveway, so we rarely get trick or treaters, if any. For this reason, I never got to give out candy to eager children, like myself. This sounds silly, but I feel like I have been missing out.

With my displacement to Brooklyn, I got to experience Halloween Brooklyn style! Huzzah! E and I finished the pumpkins, decorated the outside, and of course, got the candy ready for the trick or treaters. I was so so so excited for my first Brooklyn Halloween!
E's cat Mooch admiring our pumpkins 
lots of candy

I was told that in Brooklyn, rather than have kids come to the door like in NJ, residents sit on their stoops and give out candy. Around 5 pm, Halloween festivities began and the most adorable kids in their costumes came at a rather constant stream. I was delighted and loved every moment!
trick or treaters
our candy bowl

The kids would come, one after the other, and they would make a beeline for the candy. The parents, on the other hand, admired our pumpkins. They couldn’t get over how intricate the designs were. We were told that we had the best jack o’lanterns on the block! Huzzah! (Although it was mostly E’s pumpkins, not mine. Hers were incredible!)
E and I sat on the stoop giving out candy for about two hours. We had a lot of fun. We noshed on candy and laughed a lot. Some of my favorite Halloween costumes: the stay puffed marshmallow man, teen mom, family of vampires, and there were bunch of “Wizard of Oz” costumes. Everyone was so adorable!

This was one of the best Halloweens I have ever experienced! That may sound a bit pathetic, but there was something about being able to experience the whole “trick or treat” tradition that really made me happy. Made me feel like I have been missing out all along! I already told E that I hope to come back for Brooklyn Halloween next year! 


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